It’s sometimes difficult to know what you need to do when fixing your roof and a lot of contractors will try to get you to spend the most money possible. Here are some things to help you know if you need a repair or a full replacement.
When You Need Roof Repair
Roof repair is often the go to for homeowners because the cost is a lot less. Think about the age of your roof if your roof is still newer then it might be smarter to just get a small repair. And if the roof is still under warranty then you might be able to contact the manufacturer.
Another thing is to think about how your roof was damaged if it was a minor storm then a repair might be a better option but anything major your might want to look at doing a full replacement
Finally, think about how much damage there really is if it’s only small things on the surface like a missing shingle, a repair is all you will need.
When to Replace the Roof
Eventually like any roof there comes a point where replacement is necessary. As the roof ages repairs become less and less efficient and more and more expensive. After around 20-30 years your roof’s life is coming to and end and you will want to start looking at replacement options. If you don’t know the age of your roof assume its time for a replacement.
Pay attention to the extent of the damage, if the damage is extreme you should also consider replacement. If the damage has started to affect the structural integrity of your roof it’s time to replace. Harley’s uses a process a lot of people don’t know about, if you roof has storm damage or has been vandalised we can actually go through your insurance company to get you a new roof. This process could take longer than going through retail but it can save you thousands. The average retail roof is around 12 thousand but with insurance work all you will have to pay is your deductible thats anywhere from 500-1500 dollars
Finally, if you notice any water damage or leaking you need to address this right away. Water damage can be repaired but this needs to be handled right away the most important this is having a safe home for you and your family.
Whatever you need done to fix your roof Harleys Construction and Restoration is the best choice for the job!